Rethink Local Urban 2022

May 20, 2022 | Exhibitions, Publicity

Rethink Local Urban 

Connecting Local, Urban, and Street Art within the framework of 50 years of diplomatic relations.

TESTBED 2, Chongqing, China
20 May 2022


Patrick Cooper
Frank Havermans
Yang Shu


The Embassy of the Netherlands and the Consulate of Chongqing.

Curated and organized by Mafalda Soares Nunes, Dean Chen of the Consulate General.

Returning to the discussion of the relationship between art and the contemporary city, the idea of ‘art as a method of urban co-creation has long been a universal idea of urban development, the dialogue on cross-cultural communication is the significant part of it. Coincide with the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations establishment between the Netherlands and China at the ambassadorial level. We invite guests to share and respond to relevant urban issues with their own artistic and creative practices, exchange ideas and stimulate imagination and, of course, and particularly important, build and promote ongoing collaboration and friendship

among the community of creators. Topics covered are:

Aesthetic practices and identity self-fashioning

Public images and urban renewal

Art and urban memory

Creative exploration of co-creation of life



Ni Kun, Independent Curator and Exclusive Director of Organhaus


David Ross, Creative Director of Straat Museum/Street Art Museum Amsterdam

李李⼀一凡 Li Yifan, Professor of Sichuan Fine Arts institute and Film Director

王海海川 Wang Haichuan, Artist

杨述 Yang Shu, Artist and Director of Organhaus

曾途 Zen Tu, professor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Director of Shi Fang Art center


时间:2022年年5⽉月20⽇日15:00-17:00 地点:重庆鹅岭⽂文创公园


回到艺术和当代城市的关系讨论,“艺术作为城市共建的⽅方法”早已成为普遍意 义上的⼀一种城市发展思想,⽽而跨⽂文化交流对话则是其中重要的⼀一环。恰逢今年年

为中-荷两国建⽴立⼤大使级外交关系50周年年,特邀相关的嘉宾以各⾃自的艺术和创 作实践来分享和回应相关的城市议题,交换观点,促进想象,当然,还有特别 重要的⼀一点,搭建和推动创造者群体之间的持续协作和友谊。






photo by LiLi

exhibition in progress

exhibition in progress

INFRA GCA 2017 overview studio frank havermans

on display: TOFUD # INFRA Galaxy Museum of Contemporary Art, Chongqing, 2017

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