TOFUD #Trolley 0504 WanHua
Organhaus Chongqing 2024

Field Research

Back in Chongqing China for an artist in residence at OrganHaus, supported by the Netherlands Embassy in Beijing. Thanks for that!

OrganHaus is an art space that first was in the centre of Chongqing but now moved to the town Beibei 30 km north of the city. Also many other artists are moving here and settle in an old glass factory converting to awesome large studios. I’m impressed.

Beibei is called a village, but 800.000 people are living here. Looking forward to discover more of the surrounding to develop my new project.

‘By delving into urban typology, transportation and trade, Frank Havermans will explore and create a compelling narrative that captures the essence of urban life, connectivity, and transformation. Through visual storytelling and artistic interpretation, the project can invite viewers to contemplate the complexity and beauty of urban landscapes shaped by human endeavor and interaction.’ 


Mafalda Esperito Santo Nunes


year: 2024
artist in residence: May – June
venue and organization: Organhaus
location: BeiBei
director: Yang Shu
curator: Ni Kun
assistent: Wen Wei

project support:  Dutch Embassy Bejing, Organhaus

special thanks to: Mafalda Esperito Santo Nunes, Commissioner for Culture West China + Yang Shu, director Organhaus


Lecture Organhaus 160624
lecture organhaus 160624_2

lecture Organhaus June 16, 2024

lecture organhaus 160624_2


Studio Frank Havermans Tofud WanHua Taipei Waley Art_1


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Studio Frank Havermans_model_Tofud WanHua_2
Studio Frank Havermans_model_Tofud WanHua_1
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