portrait 14: Frank Havermans – architectural designer, constructor and craftsman in one
Frank Havermans manifests himself as a ‘self-made’ adventurer and explorer in the world of architecture and urbanism. From his studio he creates his models and drawings that reflect his findings and ideas about interventions in space from a clear perspective on social interaction, resulting in a global presence; from the Biennale in Sao Paulo to the Taipei market.
The Internationals Art Channel Foundation has the pleasure to invite you to attend the premiere of the fifth series of three short video film portraits of the artists Evelien van den Broek, Frank Havermans and Linda Arts.
These three premieres will take place on Thursday evening, March 28 at 7:30 PM in Hall 1 of CINECITTA Tilburg. Peer de Graaf will be your host and he will introduce the video films to you in a sparkling manner.
The video-film portraits were produced under the flag of the Internationals Art Channel Foundation by Tom Pijnenburg and Jan Doms.
The establishment of the Internationals Art Channel (2022) aims to give artists from various art disciplines an artistic voice in word, image and sound, which can be heard and seen worldwide. The starting point is the own region in which artists of all kinds and from all corners of the world manifest themselves. All portraits are bilingual (Dutch / Eng.)
After the premiere, the portraits will be immediately put online via www.int-artchannel.nl.